Trade Show at WIREC 2008 – Schedule

The Global Business Conference at the Tradeshow at WIREC 2008 is designed to complement the the Official WIREC 2008 ministerial-level event. The Business Conference will seek to address one major topic : the status and outlook on renewable energy, organized by technology:

  • Wind Power
  • Solar Energy
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Hydropower and Ocean Energy
  • Biomass Power and Waste-to-Energy
  • Biofuels

The purpose of the Global Business Conference is to educate: to educate industry professionals, the customers, the facilitators in professional services and government about:

  • Systems and equipment available today and soon for commercial projects
  • New technology on the horizon that should be in our planning
  • Economics of renewable energy options now and future
  • Status and outlook on renewable energy investment and financing
  • Status and outlook on market demand around the world
  • Status of industry development and competition
  • Public policy that affects the condition of the renewable energy field

The Business Conference will have two receptions where are open to all participants

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